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3 Week Weight Loss Kit

3 Week Weight Loss Kit

Regular price $199.99 USD
Regular price $199.99 USD Sale price $199.99 USD
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These tasty and crunchy healthy chocolate chip cookies are supercharged with Doctor’s Protein Blend™ of milk, egg, and organic whey, then generously drizzled with sweet icing that will tantalize your taste buds. Each cookie is only 120 calories!

What's Included In Your Weight Loss Kit

Eat one cookie at a time with water, preferably every 2 to 3 hours. Eat your first cookie within an hour of waking up.

Science Behind Smart for Life


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How quickly you lose weight on the plan will depend on how well you maintain your Hunger Comfort Zone. This is the point at which you stop feeling hungry without feeling full. It may take some practice, but once you become familiar with your body's hunger cues, you should be able to satisfy your appetite while reaching your weight loss goals.

It's important, however, not to let yourself get too hungry. Eating every two to three hours will help you avoid overeating. Try creating a visual gauge to read before you reach for food.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Smart for Life? Is it just another fad diet?

Smart for Life is a nutritionally balanced, healthy weight loss program. It uses portion-controlled foods that are hunger-suppressing meals in the form of cookies, muffins, shakes, soups and much more. Smart for Life was founded by Sasson Moulavi, M.D., who has concentrated on (weight loss) medicine for over 12 years, and is committed to bringing effective, delicious food options at an affordable value.What makes Smart for Life unique is that we use mostly organic ingredients that are free of preservatives, pesticides and toxins. Smart for Life is also a lifestyle change. The unique meals train you to eat multiple, small meals throughout the day. Many clients use our products as a form of maintenance, a convenient replacement for fast food, and a helpful tool for keeping weight off.

How does Smart For Life work?

The success is in our food and program design. Our Smart Foods(cookies, shakes, muffins and more) are designed to suppress your appetite with a unique blend of amino acids, complex carbohydrates, fiber and natural sugars. Dr. Sass explains: "If you were to eat a typical lunch of a burger and soft drink, your caloric intake would equal about 800 – way too much and mostly from fat. But if you eat a Smart Cookie for lunch, not only will you eat about 100 calories, but you will also receive all of the nutrients and nowhere near the amount of fat. You will feel full longer – as if you ate more food to satisfy you. Your body will then become “Smart” by releasing 200 or so calories from your fat stores." Now that is how you lose weight.

What is the average weight loss per week?

We once had an extremely overweight patient who lost 37 pounds the first week. We also have others who lost only 1 pound. But that is not how you should look at it. Weight loss is much better evaluated 4 weeks at a time. You should lose about 15 pounds (this estimate is more appropriate for men) on the program every 28 days. Of course, as you get closer to your weight goal, the amount of weight you lose will decrease.

What will prevent me from cheating on the Smart for Life program?

We make it easy – you do not have any decisions to make during your day. Just take your next preservative-free, toxin-free, mostly organic meal out of a package when you are hungry. Dr. Sass Explains: Many dieters fail because they have to "count this" or "buy that" or are discouraged the long preparation time required for diet foods. When I was overweight, it was a chore to “diet”. That is why I created Smart for Life without these pitfalls. What’s more, you will not crave anything. All of our products are balanced meals. Our famous cookies are made with egg and milk protein as well as fiber, oats, bran, and the right plant- and fruit-based carbohydrates. We also add functional ingredients that make them even healthier.

Will I feel hungry?

If you follow the program as directed you will not feel hungry. Our products are very effective for appetite suppression. If you talk to our clients, they will tell you hunger is not an issue.

You really should put your mind to it and lose your extra weight. Just do it – it works!


"Great product! Arrived quickly, I highly recommend Smart for Life to anyone that wants to lose weight whether it's a little or a lot or just to help maintain."
- Emily, Real Smart Member


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Customer Reviews

Based on 284 reviews
Cindy Horton

Very tasty.

John Emert
SFL cookies since 2012

The cookie diet works the BEST for my soul and body.
Oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip for me.
What an amazing recipe.
Keep up the great efforts!

Larry J
Perfect for me.

The Smsrt zfor Life program is exactly what I need. I dint have to think about dieting, I just eat a cookie every 2 hours. I don't get hungry nor want to snack. I am in week three and I have already dropped 11 pounds. I just ordered more cookies to keep me losing. The cookies are flavorful.


Very consistent. Makes dieting easy - effortless. Good for travel.

Roxanne Fischer
2 week weight loss

I have been a customer for 15 years and come back to Smart for Life when I need to get back on track, never disappointed